The Epical Love Stories

The Epical Love Stories – Ancient Love Stories – Short Collection of Stories

I met my old flame in the early 1970’s. head over heels in love, we lived 100 miles apart. We maintained our relationship for several months via phone calls and hand written love letters, but we were 16 and didn’t own cars. Eventually geography took it’s toll. By the time I had a car, my old flame had moved away without leaving a forwarding address or phone number. within the early seventies, there was no internet.

After trying to seek out her for eight years, I resigned myself to the very fact I’d never be able to locate her. Eventually I married somebody else. Twenty-two years later when the wedding ended, I started thinking about my first love. Still special in my heart, I wondered if she would remember what we once had.

I started sending emails using her first and surname followed by, Hotmail, etc. I sent out several of the blind emails every day, but to no avail. I started to imagine what our life could have been had we stayed together. I assumed about this a lot.

A month later, she contacted me via email. I asked if she ever received one among my messages, and she or he replied she never knew I was searching for her. She heard our love song and a lover persuaded her to look me up on the internet.

I am convinced my efforts looking for her sent a message to her through the Universe, compelling her to seek out me. She had the advantage of knowing my surname, while marriage had changed hers. Within an hour it had been evident our feelings of love from the past had been rekindled. Our love continued to grow with each passing day. some months later, we reunited and held one another once again for the first time in over 30 years. I feel so blessed to finally have her back in my life.

The power of The Secret worked a miracle in bringing us back together. I’m convinced of that.

Today, we are happily married and are for several years.

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  • Post last modified:October 8, 2022
  • Reading time:3 mins read

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